What do you like best about Autumn?

I like to wear sweaters, jackets, scarves, and that kind of weather is just about here! I look forward to the cooling weather, to getting the A/Cs out of the windows. I would much rather turn on the heat than the cold! I like seeing gingerbread, and pumpkin pies everywhere too!

Mine is family affairs; Thanksgiving gatherings, and heating the kitchen with good smelling baked goodies and especially Bon- fires! We do lots of family cook out and bon-fire for fall! I love wearing boots,hats and scarves and sweaters too!

Fall colors, the way the crisp air smells.

I love everything about Autumn! The very same things that you mentioned are my favorite things,too. I actually feel better in the Fall. The nip in the air is pleasant and much better for CMT.

I like the fact that I may be able to stay outdoors more. I like the colors of Autumn. Then I will get back to wearing my braces since I will be wearing long pants.

I went out for a walk around the yard today, and it was cool, I had on a hoodie and capris, and wish they would have been long pants. This was early, about 5:30. It is really cooling off at night! Wyoming had a couple feet of snow already! Whoa!

I picked the last of the concord grapes, and gathered a couple dozen peppers, and made stuffed peppers, LOTS of them! I just got everything finished and cleaned up! Whew! I'm whipped! A little work goes a long way with me these days!

Pumpkin spice latte, anyone? I always liked the fall migration. Seeing waves of songbirds come through the woods on their way to warmer climbs. The part I like a little bit less is the massive fall of acorns from the oak trees. I never knew how to dispose of them all. We used to dump them by the side of the road and then drive over them to pulverize them lol. Our cars had little dents all over the tops, too, from acorns pinging on the roof.

dancermom, I understand, we have several 6 story black walnut trees near the house and driveway, so I get it! They are falling right now, and when they hit the tin roof to the shed, it sounds like a gun being fired! Once they fall the husk turns black and if you step on them and do not clean your shoes well, all of that black stain comes in the house! It's also very easy to turn you ankle on them if you're not careful! For so many reasons they should come down, I love those trees though, and hopefully they will stand as long as I do!