
A lot depends on how I start the day. I use a technique which my counsellor with MS has taught me called ‘rebooting’. What she means is that when I hit a pain barrier or it all seems too difficult, I stop for a second, breath from the stomach and feel how the breath relaxes me. Then I reboot – return my attention to the business of the day and (crucially) notice the difference. It may be slight, but the improved outlook is worth it.

Rebooting is a technique of wiping the slate so you see things afresh, in a new light, without the weight of familiarity or negative expectations.

I try it in the day, too. Playing mind games, tricking myself out of the victim-feel, telling myself I can do it in a slow, gentle, self-encouraging way. I don’t bully the bits of me that hurt or won’t do things, but tell them not to be afraid. “You can manage it,” I say calmly, “as long as you take your time it’ll happen.”

Rebooting helps me focus without forcing things. It’s a step-by-step technique which uses the power of the mind to help me through.

Oxytosin You sure hit it!

Good way to think about it! I often think of a CMT'r like a computer, as our DNA has us programmed different. We don't function on the same operating system as the "normal" human beings were designed; Certain components are different (missing or duplications in chromosomes) makes our operating system different. Rebooting is exactlyy what I have to do many times through the day as I reach glitches and can't go any further.

Enjoy your posts! Keep em coming!

I've had to take a few days as my system has shut me down. Have been pretty ill; I apologize for the late response!

Sounds like a good plan to me! If breathing can help with something as significant as child birth, I think it can help with other pain as well!

That's a really good idea. Recently I have started to look into "Mindfulness" which is a form of meditation. There are some good free clips on Youtube. It has helped me in much the same way you describe rebooting, using breathing to focus the mind.

Yes, my counsellor talks about breathing from the stomach and breathing through to the back. It's a felt breath, not forced but kind of steadying. A grounding breath. It helps with fear - which can be blind panic but can be more subtle, so you barely recognise it. According to books I've read, the effects of fear are anxiety, depression or forgetfulness. So if one of those feelings about my condition starts firing off I suspect I'm afraid (of course there could be other causes, but if it's about my pain then I'm fairly familiar with what it can do. I try to talk, either to my wife or to myself, to regain a sense of perspective. When I'm alone I lie in bed, or sit here at this screen, having a dialogue with my pain.).

As long as I have my mind set apart slightly I can recognise what's going on and breathe, take a pill, lie down or I can choose, like now, to write. That gives me a sense of achievement before lying down again. It's the reflective self inside me that helps me through.

The breathing's something I'm still trying to learn!

Great technique! Thanks for sharing

thanks,will try this today!