Optic nerve atrophy

My CIDP symptoms have gotten worse over the last few months. I have now been DX’d (Via MRI) with Optic Nerve Atrophy (which also damages the myelin sheath but behind the eye)

My Neuro tells me the eye will never ever go back and now expect to be with limited/poor vision.

I asked Neuro about the difference between Peripheral Nervous System and Central Nervous System. I assumed CIDP only affected Peripheral, I was wrong.

Anyone else have this problem?


I have vision problems that get bad and then worse and fluctuate. I should have it tested.

Yes you should get your vision tested

Robert Martin said:

I have vision problems that get bad and then worse and fluctuate. I should have it tested.

I have optic neuritis which is inflammation & demyelination of the optic nerve. If I have atrophy, I don't recall, but my eyes are driving me crazy this week.